Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I took a pilliow & shreded it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA HA. This is something from while ago when I was in a chaotic realm. I have not always been good like I am now. :-)

1st Email

from ebi@gmail.com
dateJul x, xxxx at xx:xx PM




I am so pissed off right now, do you know what I did? I took a pillow and shredded it, then I took a glass bottle and shattered it all over the floor, and nearly broke my toe because I slammed it against the wall. Thanks a lot. NOT!!!


(below: he's lying about this as I use 55 character plus passwords that are randomly generated & changed weekly. Oh I also do not have anywhere close to 500 emails)

That's right, I know the passwords, and I always will know it, no matter what... want to know how? (Sorry, But I am not going to tell you.) ^_^

hahahahahahahhahahaha never never never going to tell you EVER!!! YOU WILL NEVER FIND OUT!!!

Now I am going into my kitchen, finding a TOMATO. And smashing it. Why? Because guess WHAT KIND of tomato it is?



From, The Crazed Bastard.
My response to that whole thing w/ bonus pic:

subjectRe: GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

hide details 7/

I took a pillow and shredded it (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

The Response of All Respomses

I received a new email today from a friend of my mine. The email unfortunatly I can not post it because I was asked not too as this person owns a business that you all have shopped at, but the response my friend sent this person is fucking funny. It is so funny that the person that received it has no idea how to respond & probably cried or maybe even jumped off a bridge.



hows your mom feel about her son being a sword fighting catcher assmitt? huh faggott.
i guess its a good thing that you enjoy cock and balls, at least we don't have to worry about you reproduceing any more little fucknut Jr's.
so go back to your job as the broom engineer at the auto parts store and when the next time your boss rattles your ass against the cases of anti freeze you can wonder what life would of been like if your momma only fucked a real man instead of passing out from too much liquor at the local gang bang and walking away with you 9 months later only to realize whats the chances of getting fucked by twenty guys and the one that knocked her up was the switch hitter.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Perfect Setup.........Or the Perfect Failure

This is yet another email from the FB community. My Brother in Arms, the Infamous Morgan B. decided to play both parts of the movie. Friend & Spy. He was the spy without my knowledge. But all good Brothers watch their Brothers backs. Morgan being smart like he always is decided to play along until he felt I needed to know because harm may come to me, my Brothers or my family.

This 1st email is from my ex to Morgan liein' her ass off to get him to help her. The second email she sends a few days later which will be posted below is amazing. The third email of Morgans reply is the best. The 4th email of my ex's reply is pathetic but is a great laugh to see how far the desperate will go to try to savor themselves. I actually do not have any pics of her anymore. They have all been deleted. Never had naked ones though. I always figured what is the point of having naked pics of someone you are involved with if you see them naked all of the time? Makes sense right? Now the shit she says I said to her in this email to my Brother is downright sickening. She needs help:

Lindsey W. May 27 at 9:12pm
yo i know wat the deal is wit u & Roma(he told me all bout it) he keeps threatening me... told me he hopes i get gang raped...told me he gonna stick a syringe of all air in me while i sleep... he took pic's of me sleepin naked & he gonna put em on tha internet. i know u dont know me... but i also kno we got a common enemy. so if u can please gimme a call.. b4 i end up doin sumthin stupid... i wanna play this slick & from wat i hear, ur the man 2 talk 2. if u wana leave it dead thas fine. but i fig. wit what u know & what i know... we cud really do sumthin...let me kno... Linz

I love how this email below admits her lying about me in the above email just because she thought the wrong stuff. I love how she lied about fake events to try to win my Brothers support. Some people have quite an imagination.

Lindsey W. June 1 at 3:36pm
morgan i feel like sucha asshole.... roma was talkin bout this fuckin kid XXXXXXXX & i thought he was talkin bout u.. jus found out dude XXXXXXXX did em dirty. now he gona kill me if he finds what i said 2 u... can we keep this between us? i was jus hurt & wantd 2 get back @ him... i kno u guys r like bro's.. plz plz dont tell em i went 2 u like that.... & we talkin again... no enemies. please please dont tell em i askd u 4 ur help. I fig u wudda told em already! but he didnt say n e thing 2 me so im assuming u didn't... ?


Morgan's response in this email to my ex is the best! Oh I love it! We are the smoke & we are the mirrors. Do not fuck with us!

Lindsey W. June 2 at 9:28pm
we are like brothers and maybe that is why he was so mean to you in the past couple days. have you wondered why his attitude changed from mad to crazy after the email you sent me on the 27th? i never fucked roma on that deal. we all decided to lie about that to see who we could all trust as a group. remember what roma used to say you in Latin all of the time "cruor in cruor sicco". the deal went through. we all made much less than expected but it worked. 7 people who thought they got fucked all opened their mouths on each other to me because they all though they got fucked the most. but that did not happen. now you know that you cant ever destroy a brotherhood no matter how pretty you may be. whatever roma says. whether he is wrong or right does not make a difference to me. in my eyes my brothers are always right. i guess you know now that we are really as loyal as roma most likely told you. my advice to you is that you talk to him maybe even see him in person and make amends with him. remember he knew about your second email to me about 30 minutes after you sent it. dont you find it interesting that he never mentioned it to you? order brothers know all. call him.

The 4th email back to Morgan is classic. She did not slap me. She punched me right in the fucking ear! WTF? Punch me in the face, but not in the ear!!!! While I was sleeping. Yes, I did call her the C word. But if she did not plot against me or fuck others for to get high on drugs for free then the C word would have never came out. Some people are so pathetic. If she just came clean to me & told me everything I knew already we might still be as one & not apart. It sucks balls when you can't even trust the ones you love. Call me sick, but I will have to say though i was somewhat turned on by her different roles in all of this. Her pretending to be the loving girlfriend while plotting against me at the same time. The professional she could have been molded into would have been so flawless. What a lost prodigy that is.

Lindsey W. June 3 at 9:23am
morgan... i slappd em 4 callin me a cunt & much more... great bro u got...we DONE... nice meeting u...

I decided to be nice & not add last names. I also had to hide someones name with "XXXXXXX". Why the X's? Because we have business Mr X.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What happens to guys that pick on girls........

This is from a recent email encounter with a 30yr Old Moron who like to pick on defenseless girls. Before I decided send him a message so he can see what it is like to be messed with I found out this individual is a very sick person who likes transvestites, under age girls, smokes crack cocaine & is racist. After finding this out I had really no choice but to mess with him. I started out the email just as you see it here.

Roma Fulcanelli May 6 at 1:36pm
An no one loves out of shape fat boys either that talk shit to defenseless girls. Haven't looked in the mirror lately...have ya?

Shawn M May 6 at 3:28pm
If u don't no me them don't talk shit cuz u get fucked up punk

Roma Fulcanelli May 6 at 3:52pm
What a big man you are! Let me buy ya a pack of gum. I'll show you how to chew it.

Please LOLZ.

Shawn M May 6 at 4:45pm
Your dead mother fucker

Roma Fulcanelli May 6 at 4:55pm
Your 100% right. Why don't you do me favor. Can you remind your mom to wash & fold my socks for me because I left them at the foot of her bed. Thanks.

Shawn M May 6 at 5:09pm
Come to my town ill show u something

Roma Fulcanelli May 6 at 5:14pm
Are you asking me out? LOL Show me something? WTF? Sorry but I am not a homo. I do not want to see anything you have. Besides from what I hear your pretty busy with that transvestite.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WOW! This is too good. Look at this email I got today from this guys mom LOL

I figure why not add this little gem to my blog & not just on FB. This woman is wins the award for Asshat of the Year. Bravo!

Her Email to me:

"old saying "an eye for an eye"...Too much pain in our lives to endure more from outsiders. take it from me your being watched and may i add very carefully......and maybe being heard too."

Now check out my response:

"I'm being watched? LOL x 10000. Ms Francht. Oh Bobby your 28yr old drug addict son can't take care of his own problems?

An eye for an.........Now you know any good attorney would look at that as a threat & I have the best on call 24/7. I have won 3 lawsuits already in the past 2 yrs because of morons like yourself making threats over the internet. Why? Because morons do not realize that internet based threats in this day/age are more serious than verbal threats & morons do not realize that I have no issues investing 50k in a good attorney because I know I will come out of it either doubling my investment or making a little more on top of that.

Why would you say something like this? I never said anything to your son, ever. Period. Never typed him a an email........nothing. Never called him.

Wasting the time & resources to watch me will just be a waste of your time. But hey let me be a nice guy & give you a little inside info on me so you can ponder away in that little brain of yours to see what kind of person you are deciding to pursue. I'm of course not discouraging you from doing so. Please by all means do it! As it will help my case to know that you are stalking me as well as threatening me or having people stalk me by your command as you so nicely decided to disclose in this wonderful message.

Every time I log into the internet I'm on a VPN (Virtual Private Network) & behind my own Proxy Server that lets me choose what country I want to be logged in from instantly. Right now I am typing this email to you from Brazil, but I might change that later to maybe Siberia or just for spite an IP that when searched will say I'm logged in from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Non of my cars, my residence or any of my assets are registered to me. Hence, I have no address you could ever watch me at, lol. I have no arrest record, I have had no traffic violations ever & unlike your son I am proud to say I am 100% clean.

So watch away because I'm a ghost. Enjoy your day.


P.S. For this insult you had better hope all of your property bills are paid up because if not expect your home to be foreclosed on by my firm.

P.S.S. Thank you for making me laugh out loud. :-)

I love morons! They are so funny.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pissed Off Customer Service Agent That Did Not Get Paid For Her Shitty Work

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Txxxxxx Rxxxx <xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, May 16, 2010 at 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: you're no good
To: Kevin xxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>

Go and fuck yourself. You should be locked inside a prison? WHAT FUCKING TRUST?! FOR WHAT? FOR A FUCKING BUCKS? YOU ARE SO GREEDY...BASTARD. XXX IS GOING DOWN, VERY SOON. I tested your trust =)) Trust for what? In what? People trust in love, in patriotism, in someone that could give them an exemple, not a motherfuckers who steals money. You are afraid that i am going to tell everyone the truth and it took you a while to make up that mail, you liar. your parents should be ashamed of such a prick

Thursday, November 11, 2010

An Introduction To Emails From A55holes

This is a blog that I have been thinking about doing for a very long time. A pure site/blog dedicated to pure dark, laughable, shocking, sarcastic, terrifing & humorous entertainment. Over the past seven years I have been collecting content for this specific blog from colleges in all different types of businesses & some personal content as well. With that being said nothing I post in the blog area on this site is from me. Its all donated content from various sources.