Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WOW! This is too good. Look at this email I got today from this guys mom LOL

I figure why not add this little gem to my blog & not just on FB. This woman is wins the award for Asshat of the Year. Bravo!

Her Email to me:

"old saying "an eye for an eye"...Too much pain in our lives to endure more from outsiders. take it from me your being watched and may i add very carefully......and maybe being heard too."

Now check out my response:

"I'm being watched? LOL x 10000. Ms Francht. Oh Bobby your 28yr old drug addict son can't take care of his own problems?

An eye for an.........Now you know any good attorney would look at that as a threat & I have the best on call 24/7. I have won 3 lawsuits already in the past 2 yrs because of morons like yourself making threats over the internet. Why? Because morons do not realize that internet based threats in this day/age are more serious than verbal threats & morons do not realize that I have no issues investing 50k in a good attorney because I know I will come out of it either doubling my investment or making a little more on top of that.

Why would you say something like this? I never said anything to your son, ever. Period. Never typed him a an email........nothing. Never called him.

Wasting the time & resources to watch me will just be a waste of your time. But hey let me be a nice guy & give you a little inside info on me so you can ponder away in that little brain of yours to see what kind of person you are deciding to pursue. I'm of course not discouraging you from doing so. Please by all means do it! As it will help my case to know that you are stalking me as well as threatening me or having people stalk me by your command as you so nicely decided to disclose in this wonderful message.

Every time I log into the internet I'm on a VPN (Virtual Private Network) & behind my own Proxy Server that lets me choose what country I want to be logged in from instantly. Right now I am typing this email to you from Brazil, but I might change that later to maybe Siberia or just for spite an IP that when searched will say I'm logged in from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Non of my cars, my residence or any of my assets are registered to me. Hence, I have no address you could ever watch me at, lol. I have no arrest record, I have had no traffic violations ever & unlike your son I am proud to say I am 100% clean.

So watch away because I'm a ghost. Enjoy your day.


P.S. For this insult you had better hope all of your property bills are paid up because if not expect your home to be foreclosed on by my firm.

P.S.S. Thank you for making me laugh out loud. :-)

I love morons! They are so funny.

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